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About Us

MARXdown is interested in developing minimal reading editions of texts important for reconsidering contemporary Marxist theory that are readable, multi-layered, and public. Our goal is to cooperate together with others in creating critical reading guides and supplemental historical and sociological studies, in easily accessible, user-friendly interfaces to which anyone may contribute.

Project Leads

Steven Gotzler PhD Candidate in Literary and Cultural Studies, Carnegie Mellon University

Avery J. Wiscomb PhD Candidate in Literary and Cultural Studies, Carnegie Mellon University

Annotation Lead

Alex Gorman PhD Candidate in Philosophy, Duquesne University

Textual Editing

Chloe Perry Predoctoral Fellow in Social and Decision Science, Carnegie Mellon University

MARXdown Alumni

The following people have contributed in a variety of capacities, and we gratefully acknowledge their work.

Daniel J. Evans Software Engineer, JSTOR Labs

How it Works

MARXdown is built on minimal computing principles, using a static site generator called Jekyll and a theme designed for textual editors called “Ed.” Ed is designed by Susanna Allés Torrent, Terry Catapano, Alex Gil, and Johann Gillium.

The site enables a conversation layer with help from, which is based on the annotation standards for digital documents developed by the W3C Web Annotation Working Group.

MARXdown is free, non-profit, and open source.


MARXdown has been supported through grants from dSHARP at Carnegie Mellon University. Thanks also to Alex Gil for his feedback on the design and implementation of the site and to Matthew Lincoln for his technical advice and support.

License: CC BY 4.0